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This is the right program for leadership teams with the following challenges: 

Believing more in your own worth means living more your own truth. So why is it so hard, to set bonderies in our day to day life or to realise that we are trapped in the fear of missing out and therefore we are constanly busy? In this live demo, an amazing woman and executive coache shares her journey to overcome the “immunity to change”.

Live Webinar:

Wednesday, 10th July
5 pm to 6:15 pm CET (Berlin Time)

In this free live demo, you’ll have the opportunity to see how you can apply the award-winning coaching method “Overcoming Immunity to Change” to overcome self-doubt and move the rocks that are waiting for you!

On.DevelopmentGroup Martina Lüttringhaus ITC

This is the right program for leadership teams with the following challenges: 

Build successful leadership teams with a proven method for positive organizational change developed by Harvard psychologists Dr. Robert Kegan and Dr. Lisa Lahey.

Join us for a Live Demo of Immunity to Change to drive positive change for your team!

Live Demo of Immunity to Change

Wednesday, 17th April
5 pm to 6 pm CET (Berlin Time)

In this free live demo, you’ll have the opportunity to see how you can apply the award-winning coaching method “Immunity to Change” to resolve challenges in your organization.

This is the right program for leadership teams with the following challenges: 

Leaders who: 

  • are constantly firefighting and are stressed out
  • prefer to do things themselves and have difficulty letting go
  • Have to manage unrest in the team due to many restructurings, changes and the increasing shortage of skilled workers and are increasingly overstrained  
  • Losing themselves daily in low-priority tasks
  • Despairing of professional silos and struggling with slowness through blame and justification 

This is the right program for leadership teams with the following challenges: 

Register for this free live demo to find out!

Join our 75-minute live webinar to discover how the coaching method “Overcoming Immunity to Change” can transform your approach to challenges. You’ll receive a concise introduction and have the opportunity to observe a demo session in action, witnessing firsthand the magic of this method as it brings out clarity and new perspectives.


Date: Wednesday, 10th July
Time: 5 pm to 6:15 pm CET (Berlin Time)

🕦 Convert to time zone here

Facilitated by: Martina Lüttringhaus, ON.DevelopmentGroup
Platform: Online on Zoom
Language: English

Join other HR leaders, executives, and coaches to see how Immunity to Change facilitator Martina Lüttringhaus guides participants in using the Immunity Map to help them move closer to achieving their intentions with more ease.

Plus you’ll learn how your team can adapt this method to:

  • Effectively work together on a common mission
  • Set clear priorities and delegate properly
  • Make strategic and improved business decisions

This is the right program for leadership teams with the following challenges: 

Martina is the founder of ON.DevelopmentGroup, an agency for leadership transformation. She is a leadership development consultant and executive coach, who loves to help organizations achieve greater success while expanding human potential and helping people thrive.

    Please note

    If you participate in the Demo Session on Zoom, please keep your camera on and be muted unless asked to unmute.

    The session will be recorded for internal use and will be shared with registered participants unable to attend.

    During the demo session, you will be invited to choose an intention to explore with the facilitator, Martina.

    1-2 people will be selected for a demo, which will be 20-30 minutes in duration. If you’d like to be picked as a “client” for the demo session, please add a note to your registration to indicate this. If your name is picked to be a ‘client’ you will be informed in advance.

    After the video has been edited we will send you a link to view it to then remove any names of people, organizations or other identifiable details that are spoken during the recording. You can then approve its use or request further edits. Once approved, the recording will be shared with registered participants.

    …now you have a chance to understand the science behind why these challenges are so common AND how to leverage the latest psychological research to turn things around so your team and organization can thrive for good.

    Join Our Free Webinar Overcoming Immunity-to-Change

    Discover the transformative power of Immunity-to-Change in our exclusive live demo sessions.

    Sign up to learn innovative strategies that will help you and your organization overcome barriers to change and achieve remarkable growth.

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    Webinar ITC 2

    …now you have a chance to understand the science behind why these challenges are so common AND how to leverage the latest psychological research to turn things around so your team and organization can thrive for good.

    Nimm an unserer kostenlosen Immunity-to-Change (ITC) Live-Demo teil

    Entdecke die transformative Kraft von Immunity-to-Change in unseren exklusiven Live-Demo-Sessions.

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